Thursday, February 26, 2009


John has been leaving for work at 4:30 and getting home between 5:30 and 7:30 so he hasn't felt the urge to do a wod for a few days. We'll see about this eve. Cheers!!!

1 comment:

Surrey Sterling said...

Ah great job Hollie on getting that nasty Joshie done. It was just horrible and is right up there with Barbara.

Hey John bringing home the bucks is way more important, He needs to support that lavish lifestyle of yours. That monster house with yard boy, your jag, the jewels, your fine clothes, the house maid you treat like shit, and then there's those silver spoon kids he needs to support! Chad and his new custom Bronco and Leanna with her fancy Honda she doesn't like! LMAO!
Yip, poor bastards gotta work but you make sure you don't miss any wods eh!