Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Ladies!!!

What a weekend!

- Fran -

The Haglunds, de Boer's and Jessie met up at the Haglund's for this young lady on Saturday.
This was my third time and PR for Fran at 6:19. I know I could go faster if I could just get more pullups in a row:) That will be what I work on. I need a different approach on the swing/gripping. That being said, I enjoyed cheering everyone on as much as doing it myself. So many great athletes helping each other through such a nasty b*&^h. Sweet new pullup station at Haglund's.

- Helen -

Back to the Haglund's for Sunday's date with Helen. Now, for me, this was a nastier b*&^h. Those runs that I thought would have been the break, were actually the worst part. Three 400m runs and it was hot at high noon:) My time was 11:09. My hands tore open on the kettle bell swings but luckily the adrenaline was going good so they didn't hurt much until after. I went at the same time as John and I could here everybody cheering for him when he was finished and I still was on the last 200 m of the last run. Oh, how I wanted to be in his shoes:) Got 'er done.
Everybody was focussed and worked hard. What a dedicated bunch. Thanks Haglund's for having us we had a great time.

- Grace -

30 Clean and Jerk @ 85 lb for time.

I watched Chad do this first, he made it look easy, so I went it to Grace with confidence. I did 20 lifts in 2:30 with my bar falling apart for the last 3 or 4 lifts, to the point that I couldn't lift the left side up anymore. I had to stop for a full minute ( Jill timed) to fix the bar enough to continue. My time ended up being 3:30 after subtracting the minute for the fix up. I can't count this as my true Grace time but I look forward to doing it again shortly.

Again, thank you to the Haglund's and my de Boer family for such a great long weekend. Also, thank you to Jessie, Brandt, Jeff, Ruth Ann and family, Riley and Jill for spending parts of it with us. You all Rock!!! Can't wait to our little Haglund ladies again soon:)


Surrey Sterling said...

What a fantastic weekend! We had such a great time at your home yesterday and the girls were so sacked after a full day of fun in the sun! Thanks for the beers and hospitality! I can't wait to see Chad's video! The tossing of the hardware was brilliant!

Hollie said...

It was a great weekend!!! What more could there be? Those zone friendly pizza's Michelle made were great. I can't wait for the video either, I think the hardware tossing will be a highlight:)

Surrey Sterling said...

What is your email address?