Friday, January 30, 2009

Nicole Jan. 30/09

AMRAP in 20 minutes
400 m run
max pull ups

Hollie: 12/12/11/11/10/8 = 64 2400m run
John: 32/20/20/20/20/20= 132 2400 m run

My runs felt stronger but I didn't even hit my P.R of 72. There was a minute and a half left on the clock and I didn't think I would get to the pullups so I stopped plus everyone was waiting to go out to lunch:)
John strategized in that he knew last time we had over a minute left after our final set of pullups so he didn't go as hard on the runs and took a little extra time to shake the arms out before jumping on the bar. Good thinking. John's does look like strategy but I am the witness that those twenties were not coming out easy:) That is a P.R of 6 pullups

Rest Day tomorrow, thank god. I am off to Nanaimo with Chad and his soccer team we leave at 6:30 a.m. and return about 6:30 in the eve. Hoping for sunshine:)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

John's Elizabeth Jan. 28s,2009

John: 12:28

Said squat cleans felt heavy.

Elizabeth Jan. 28/09


Squat Cleans

Ring Dips

Hollie: 23:31

Squat Cleans felt pretty good but heavy after about half way through round one. Technique stayed pretty good if I didn't do too many in a row so I was at 2's or 1's mixed around, kept the breaks pretty short then the clean would feel strong again. If I went for three, the third lift from the squat position pulled forward.

Thrusters Jan. 28/09 7-1's

Hollie: 70,75,80,85,95,105,110(f),105(f)
John: 135,155,160,165,170(f),170(f),170(f)

I know I can get 110. Next time for sure. John doesn't have trouble with the clean or squat but that damned overhead lift is killing him.

GHD Sit ups and Back Extentions Jan. 26/09

5 Rounds for Time:
30 GHD Sit ups
25 GHD Back Extensions

I didn't write down the times but mine was 21: something and John's was 15:something. It is hard to compare this wod with others because range of motion and technique can vary so much. I am not that happy with my time but am glad to have worked technique and I think I'm getting it pretty good.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Barbara!!! Jan. 25/09

Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
The last time this nast bitch came up John didn't finish it. Today was touch and go at times but he fought through like a warrior:) Nice work John.
I did not get a P.R. on this one other than my first round was a round P.R. but my total was about 50 seconds slower.
John's times: 3:24/3:38/4:28/5:57/4:24
Hollie times: 4:18/4:50/4:47/5:36/5:28
* Note # 1 - be sure to breath through your nose even when you are tired - do not pant through your mouth - to avoid getting the pukie feeling this really helped John in his final round. Although we haven't seen him since the wod finished but it is finished:)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Lunges and Burpies Jan 22/08

5 Rounds for Time:
50' of lunges with a 45lb barbell overhead
21 burpees

John: 10:49

I went to CF Langley this morning we did ladders
For Time:
1-10 pullups
10-1 box jumps
500m row
10-1 burpies
1-10 30lb dumb bell single hand split jerk
Hollie: 19:50

I came home and did 35 walking lunges with the 45 lb bar overhead.
Feeling stiffness in areas I haven't worked for awhile, I think it was from the dbell split jerks. Pullups felt great.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

HSPush Ups and L Pull ups

15 Hand stand push ups
1 L Pullups
13 HSPu
3 L Pullups
5 L Pullups
7 L Pullups
9 L Pull ups
11 L Pull ups
13 L Pullups
15 L Pull ups
John and I are not big fans of the hand stand push ups, I can't do them and John blames shoulder injury:) We subbed with 4 boxes stacked and our toes holding ourselves up and straight up and down touching forhead to the ground. John's L Pullups are as rx'd but I have to kip to the L position and then pull up the last half. I was happy that my legs were in an L position rather than a W position most of the time on this one:)
John: 14:02
Hollie: 17:46

Mr. Joshua Jan 20, 2009

5 Rounds for Time:
400 m run
30 GHD sit ups
15 deadlifts 250/185
John: 28:46
This is the first time John and I haven't done this wod at the same time and I'll tell you I could have used his energy to help me fight this battle. Also, this is the first time we have had a GHD. I didn't find the GHD hard or that it was that slow but it seemed to affect the back during the deadies. There were points I just couldn't lift the 175lbs off the ground and as I said I have done this wod before using the same weight. The last set was one at a time and dropped from the lock out position, the last rep of the last round would not budge, I tried, cursed, cried, told myself I couldn't do it. Five minutes later I said out loud come on you stupid ass you have lifted this weight hundreds of times - it came up like nothing. How the mind can hold you back, so weird. To say the least I was quite disappointed. Our previous times without the proper GHD were John: 24:57 and Hollie: 35:27 and I used 185lbs for a round and a half on that one.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hanging Power Cleans 7 x 1's

Hollie: 75,85,95,105,110,115,120(f),120(f),120(f)
John: 135,155,170,175,185(f),185(f),185(f)

Warm up
Couple 100m sprints then 3 rounds of 10 push ups, 10 unanchored sit ups, 10 air squats full hip extension at the top:)
Cool Down
2 sets of 10 and 1 set of 20 GHD situps and back/hip extensions.
Hot Yoga in the eve for me, trying to talk John into giving it a try:)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

10 K Jan 17, 2009

John's: 45:12
Hollie: 1:01.16

John rocked this thing again and got a P.R by 38 seconds. I can't wait to see his next one as the road conditions were something to be desired. We have lots of big cedar trees in the area that shade the roads keeping them nice and slick for us runners. I felt like a navy seal navigating through ditches and roads, snow banks. Hopefully the next time this comes up it is a beautiful spring day:)

Friday, January 16, 2009

GHD and Stuff Jan. 16/09

For time:
10 GHD Sit-ups
10 Hip & Back Extensions
95/65 pound Thrusters, 30 reps
50 Pull-ups

30 GHD Sit-ups
30 Hip & Back Extensions
95/65 pound Thrusters,
20 reps
35 Pull-ups

50 GHD Sit-ups
50 Hip & Back Extensions
95/65 pound Thrusters,
10 reps
20 Pull-ups

Oh my god, my head is spinning and I'm going to throw up a full on body shake. Yikes!!! You weren't kidding Sterling. I asked John if he wanted to add anything "that just about describes it" was the response. Who wanted to follow these damn dot coms anyway??? Lots of fun for a Friday eve.

John: 31:47 as rx'd
Hollie: 29:45 as rx'd

Thursday, January 15, 2009

OHS Jan 14/08

Over head Squats

John did this
3 - 95
3 - 115
3 - 125
3m- 120
3 - 125

This is not a movement he is very fond of.
I took a rest day from CrossFit today. Have hit the hot yoga a few more times though. Trying to see if it gets any easier. Yesterday was the best so far:) It's not bad for a rest day.

Power Cleans and Ring dips

For Time:
15 reps 155/115lb power cleans
30 ring dips
12 reps power cleans
24 ring dips
9 reps power cleans
18 ring dips
6 reps power cleans
12 ring dips
3 reps power cleans
6 ring dips

John's time Rx'd: 12:20
I did 105 lbs until the 9 reps and then upped it to 110lbs and did KTE instead, I am trying to work on legs and stomach more as my upper body is starting to look a little manly:)

John did the virtual rowing and pullup work out the day before but I'm not sure of his time, I will get back to you on that:) Cheers!!

Power Cleans and Ring dips

For Time:

15 reps 155/115lb power cleans

30 ring dips

12 reps power cleans

24 ring dips


Monday, January 12, 2009

Backsquats and Bench Press CFL

125 Backsquats when you have to re-rack then do 10 bench press and 30 unanchored sit ups
I re-vamped this to what I needed to work on. Numbers went like this:
25 backsquats @ 95lbs
10 bench press with 2 x 35lb dumbells
30 unanchored situps
15 @ 95
15 @ 95
15 @ 100
15 @ 100
15 @ 100
15 @ 105
10 @ 110
Ended doing 80 bench press and 240 sit ups.
I guess I should have done heavier on the backsquats but they didn't feel that easy and I wanted to make sure I went deep on the squats. Also should have done heavier on the bench press but didn't have 40's and 45 would have been too much. Didn' t eat enough this morning, should have had a shake before. Note for next time:)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Clean and Jerk, Cindy and Yoga Jan.11/09

3 Rounds for Time:

10 - 95 lb clean and jerk
5 Rounds Cindy -
One round of Cindy = 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats
24:55 as Rx'd

Than a Bikrams 1.5 hr long hot yoga class with my good friend Jill. I'll tell you this class was much more difficult than I would have imagined. All done in 100 degree heat. Agghhh!!!! When I first entered the room Jill had me all set up and was showing me what to do. You start by just lying there, relaxing and waiting for the instructor. Well, it was all i could do not to become frantic gasping for air and I am not good at sitting still. I looked over at Jill and she was nice and calm, so I started to try to convince myself that I would be o.k. It did get better and my body and lungs adjusted well. I did get a two week pass so I will try it again within the next couple days. Thanks again Jill I had a lot of fun:)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

5x5 Front Squat

75, 85, 95, 105, 115
and just over 5 k 29:07

115, 135, 155, 175, 205
Of course the 5K tomorrow:)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mix it Up

Didn't like the .com today. Did this instead.
The Bear
DL+H squat clean+P Press+B squat+P press
Hollie: 75lb/95lb/105lb 5x with each weight
John: 95 lb, 115lb, 125lb 5x with each weight
3 Rounds for time:
200 m row
25 thrusters 2x 20lb/2x 15lb
20 double unders
15 kettlebell swings
10 push ups
5 pull ups
Time: 17:16
Finished with some GHD and weighted lunges:)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Un rest Day Jan. 7/09

4 Rounds for Time:
500 m row
10 135/95lb backsquats
15 185/135 deadlifts
Hollie: 26:26
John: TBA
Then 3 sets of 20 lay on the floor arms stabilizing on the sides then lift your legs straight up until your hips come off the ground, alternate from side to side and then up the middle, mix up the leg lifts maybe two on one side and one in the middle and two on the other. Hoping to convince somebody in the household to do a little boxing with me this eve. :) Hint, hint!!

CFL Jan.6/08

Hanging power cleans

Then 3 min of AMRAP
5 pullups5 pushups
2 min rest
5 ab wheels5 DU's
2 min rest
7 situps 5 box jumps
Go as hard as you can for 3 min then you get 2 min to recover and go hard again.

Hollie 95, 105, 110, 115
John 95, 135, 155, 175, 185

Hollie 8 & 8
6 & 6 my double unders still suck
7 & 6
John 10 & 10
8 & 8
10 & 10
GHd situps and a 500 m row at 1:52

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Clean and Jerk's and Deadlifts Jan.4/09

With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Hollie 6 rounds and 5 power cleans from the floor and jerks
John 8 rounds and 3 power cleans from the floor and jerks
In October John got 7 rounds even so this was nice and I got 5 rounds but did squat cleans. I think there could be improvement with a different strategy for next time:)


5-3's of Deadlifts

John: 205, 255, 300, 350, 375 (f)
Hollie: 135, 165, 195, 205, 210

John wants to start his lifts heavier next time maybe start at 255 and shoot for 360 or more for last set. I will start at 155 next time and try to get to 220 for 3.
Then dinner and an ass kicking in Cranium by Leanna and Chad:)

Hoping to see posts from my favorite CrossFitting couple!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Murph Jan 3/08

1 Mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
1 Mile run

Again because of snow we subbed 1000 m rows in place of the runs. I couldn't bring myself to row 2 x 1600 m. I broke the exercises into Cindy, John did 10's, 20's, 30's.
John's Time: 30:15
My time: 37:30
My row times were 4:15 and 4:25.
On August 25/08 we did Murph rx'd John's time: 42:41, my time 52:07, Leanna's time: 50:41. I think we would have beat it. Still hate the rower!!:)
We did some toes to bar, ab wheel, ghd situps and weighted situps to cool down.

Day on the Lifts Jan 2/08

Took New Years Day as rest day and then hit the slopes. John, Chad, Colin and I went to Cypress last night we got there at 6:00 p.m. and skiied until closing at 10:00. We got in 6 runs per hour that being of course 24 runs. Sweet, no lines just up and down. What a great night!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

FGB Dec. 31/08

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

After yesterday's wod at CF Langley I can say I wasn't all that excited about Fight Gone Bad but we pushed through and got er done. When John and I did this wod I wrote our last numbers on the white board so we could see what we were trying to beat while doing the wod. I'm not sure if that was a good idea or not. I think for yesterday it was good. John subbed 2 x 20lb dumbell thrusters for wall ball and I subbed 2 x 15 lb dumbells, other than that rx'd. That is also the sub we have used everytime for this wod.

Johns numbers went like this:
Trusters: 37, 25, 20
SDHP: 29, 24, 19
B Jump: 25, 23, 19
P Press: 25, 16, 16
Row: 20, 15, 18 = 331 P.R. by 13
Last time:
30, 20, 20
28, 20, 20
20, 20, 20
20, 20, 19
24, 18, 17

Thrusters: 29, 21, 21
SDHP: 26, 18, 17
B Jum: 23, 21, 21
P Press: 20, 15, 15
Row: 12, 11, 11 = 282 P.R. by 2
Last time:
28, 21, 19
25, 17, 15
23, 22, 19
18, 17, 18
12, 12, 13

Will fool with the damper on the rower for next time should have had it set at 8 not 6 for this one. Happy New Year!!!