Sunday, January 25, 2009

Barbara!!! Jan. 25/09

Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
The last time this nast bitch came up John didn't finish it. Today was touch and go at times but he fought through like a warrior:) Nice work John.
I did not get a P.R. on this one other than my first round was a round P.R. but my total was about 50 seconds slower.
John's times: 3:24/3:38/4:28/5:57/4:24
Hollie times: 4:18/4:50/4:47/5:36/5:28
* Note # 1 - be sure to breath through your nose even when you are tired - do not pant through your mouth - to avoid getting the pukie feeling this really helped John in his final round. Although we haven't seen him since the wod finished but it is finished:)


Surrey Sterling said...

Dam that is some great times for you both I'll do this one tomorrow at Globo solo. Should be fun! I'm a day behind now will catch up on rest rest day. Whoo Hooo rest day is Saturday next weekend!

Hollie said...

We wish you could have done this one with us. Call or let us know when you're done. Good luck and remember mind over matter.

Surrey Sterling said...

Man what a cow that wuz eh! 700 freak'in reps! Wow that is alot of work being done in a short amount of time. Guess that is why it kicks you ass so bad! Way muscle through gang!

Surrey Sterling said...
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