Thursday, January 29, 2009

Elizabeth Jan. 28/09


Squat Cleans

Ring Dips

Hollie: 23:31

Squat Cleans felt pretty good but heavy after about half way through round one. Technique stayed pretty good if I didn't do too many in a row so I was at 2's or 1's mixed around, kept the breaks pretty short then the clean would feel strong again. If I went for three, the third lift from the squat position pulled forward.


Surrey Sterling said...

Good times eh! This workout will be right ol' Highballers alley! I suspect he can finish this in workout in between 10 and 11 minutes. Time will tell! Great job Hollie on the Cleans. The second pull really clicked today. I figured it out but only after watching tons of video. They feel great now!

Surrey Sterling said...

How'd ol' iron lungs make out?