Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mr. Joshua Jan 20, 2009

5 Rounds for Time:
400 m run
30 GHD sit ups
15 deadlifts 250/185
John: 28:46
This is the first time John and I haven't done this wod at the same time and I'll tell you I could have used his energy to help me fight this battle. Also, this is the first time we have had a GHD. I didn't find the GHD hard or that it was that slow but it seemed to affect the back during the deadies. There were points I just couldn't lift the 175lbs off the ground and as I said I have done this wod before using the same weight. The last set was one at a time and dropped from the lock out position, the last rep of the last round would not budge, I tried, cursed, cried, told myself I couldn't do it. Five minutes later I said out loud come on you stupid ass you have lifted this weight hundreds of times - it came up like nothing. How the mind can hold you back, so weird. To say the least I was quite disappointed. Our previous times without the proper GHD were John: 24:57 and Hollie: 35:27 and I used 185lbs for a round and a half on that one.

1 comment:

Surrey Sterling said...

Nice work gang! Way to stick it out Hollie and never give up! That is a extremely hard WOD! My back is still nicely fried from those DL's. John had a killer time! What a beast that boy is! I can see him in my head grunting that wod out! Saturday would be kool but were out of classes and no extra Mooola. We should hit your box or mine either Sat. or Sun. We'll chat.