Squat Cleans 135/95
Ring Dips
John Rx'd 12:05
Hollie 95 lb squat cleans and stationary dips full range of motion and one at a time. Did the recommended sub of 42-30-18 of these and it sucked!!! Time: a long 32:35 but happy to have done all the stationary hopefully ring dips next time, they got to be easier:)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Total Oct.25/08
My total was 25 points higher than the last time in August. yeay!!!
500 m row for warm up plus plenty of warm up lifts.
August's totals
Back squat 140
Strict Press 75
Deadlift 210
Oct. 26 totals
Back squat 150
Strict Press 70
Deadlift 225
I'm happy with these numbers except the strict press. I am now backsquatting 12 pounds more than my body weight and 18 pounds over 1 and a half times body weight. Only 69 pounds to go until double body weight! I am also happy that my muscles feel a bit fatigued but not injured. Can't wait to do this one again after training for a few more months:) We are off cycle now so will be doing Elizabeth tomorrow. Those 400 m sucked especially the last 200 m of each run!!!
500 m row for warm up plus plenty of warm up lifts.
August's totals
Back squat 140
Strict Press 75
Deadlift 210
Oct. 26 totals
Back squat 150
Strict Press 70
Deadlift 225
I'm happy with these numbers except the strict press. I am now backsquatting 12 pounds more than my body weight and 18 pounds over 1 and a half times body weight. Only 69 pounds to go until double body weight! I am also happy that my muscles feel a bit fatigued but not injured. Can't wait to do this one again after training for a few more months:) We are off cycle now so will be doing Elizabeth tomorrow. Those 400 m sucked especially the last 200 m of each run!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
John's 400 m times Odt 24/08
John went down to the track at 3:30 with Chad and Jerad timing.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
5 k for time Oct.22/08
My last date with the 5 k was Sept. 26 at 27:10 (old pr). Today beat that time by 51 seconds. 26:19. Sweeettt!!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Burpees pullups Oct. 21
10 Rounds for time
12 burpees
12 pullups
19:49 Yikes!! that sucked!!!
Did first 5 rounds in 9:02 then approx 2 minutes and 20 seconds for rounds 6 through 9, 10th round in 1 minute 57 seconds.
12 burpees
12 pullups
19:49 Yikes!! that sucked!!!
Did first 5 rounds in 9:02 then approx 2 minutes and 20 seconds for rounds 6 through 9, 10th round in 1 minute 57 seconds.
Monday, October 20, 2008
5 thrusters 95/65
7 hang power cleans
10 sumo deadlift high pull
I can barely type my forearms are on fire!!!! No joke. 11 rounds even at 65lbs. Felt good unlike Filthy Fifty yesterday, almost a date with Mr. Pukie:) Good luck!!! I got to work out with one of my favorite partners today. Thanks Chad
7 hang power cleans
10 sumo deadlift high pull
I can barely type my forearms are on fire!!!! No joke. 11 rounds even at 65lbs. Felt good unlike Filthy Fifty yesterday, almost a date with Mr. Pukie:) Good luck!!! I got to work out with one of my favorite partners today. Thanks Chad
Monday, October 13, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!:) 5x3's deadlifts
warm up 8 x 150, 3 x 225
3 x 295
3 x 315
3 x 335
1 x 355, 1 x 375, 1 x 400(f)
4 x 295
warm up 10 x 65, 3 x 155
3 x 175
3 x 195
1 x 205, 1 x 210, 1 x 215
1 x 220 (Pr), 1 x 225 (Pr), 1 x 230 (f)
4 x 175
We then finished off with a little rowing circuit to get rid of some of yesterday's deserts:)
One person worked continuously while the other was rowing.
400 m row
weighted lunges 70/50
400 m row
400 m row
400 m row
weighted situps 25 lbs
400 m row
box step ups
400 m row
Now to watch the hockey game, go Canucks, go:)
warm up 8 x 150, 3 x 225
3 x 295
3 x 315
3 x 335
1 x 355, 1 x 375, 1 x 400(f)
4 x 295
warm up 10 x 65, 3 x 155
3 x 175
3 x 195
1 x 205, 1 x 210, 1 x 215
1 x 220 (Pr), 1 x 225 (Pr), 1 x 230 (f)
4 x 175
We then finished off with a little rowing circuit to get rid of some of yesterday's deserts:)
One person worked continuously while the other was rowing.
400 m row
weighted lunges 70/50
400 m row
400 m row
400 m row
weighted situps 25 lbs
400 m row
box step ups
400 m row
Now to watch the hockey game, go Canucks, go:)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Saturday October 11/08
CrossFit Langley's wod
50 deadlifts 65lbs
50 hanging power cleans 65
50 front squats 65
50 push press 65
If you have to stop with the weight touching the floor then do a 200 m row.
Mine went like this:
50 deadlifts plus 30 hanging power cleans
200 m row
20 hanging power cleans plus 17 front squats
200 m row
18 front squats
200 m row
15 front squats plus 15 push press
200 m row
16 push press
200 m row
12 push press
200 m row
7 push press plus 50 situps
I ended up doing 1200 metres of rowing but only stop in between to right my info on the board. Unfortunately, I didn't time.
50 deadlifts 65lbs
50 hanging power cleans 65
50 front squats 65
50 push press 65
If you have to stop with the weight touching the floor then do a 200 m row.
Mine went like this:
50 deadlifts plus 30 hanging power cleans
200 m row
20 hanging power cleans plus 17 front squats
200 m row
18 front squats
200 m row
15 front squats plus 15 push press
200 m row
16 push press
200 m row
12 push press
200 m row
7 push press plus 50 situps
I ended up doing 1200 metres of rowing but only stop in between to right my info on the board. Unfortunately, I didn't time.
Friday Eve.
5 Rounds for time
400 m run
30 anchored situps
15 deadlifts 250/175
This was a great workout, can't wait to get the GHD. The runs were good, sit ups are my break but those damned 175 lb deadlifts felt like forever:) Broke them into sets but got er done. Back feels great so technique must have been o.k. John scaled to 225 lbs and has been pissed at himself since he finished. He also sat down after round four and thought he was done, I yelled "there is five rounds" I never saw him jump up and run so fast:)Cold/Flu is getting better but not willing to give up the Contac C just yet.
John's time: 23:19
Hollie's time: 27:38
And to the Keg for the Fajita's and Jessie's little treats:) Cheers!!!
400 m run
30 anchored situps
15 deadlifts 250/175
This was a great workout, can't wait to get the GHD. The runs were good, sit ups are my break but those damned 175 lb deadlifts felt like forever:) Broke them into sets but got er done. Back feels great so technique must have been o.k. John scaled to 225 lbs and has been pissed at himself since he finished. He also sat down after round four and thought he was done, I yelled "there is five rounds" I never saw him jump up and run so fast:)Cold/Flu is getting better but not willing to give up the Contac C just yet.
John's time: 23:19
Hollie's time: 27:38
And to the Keg for the Fajita's and Jessie's little treats:) Cheers!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
This and That Oct. 9/08
I have had a couple extra days off due to not feeling like it. Today I still didn't feel like it but needed to sweat.
6 Rounds
500m row
25 box step ups
15 dumbbell split cleans
I must say this worked up the sweat I was looking for. My time was a slow 35:37. My first round was 6:16 and my last round was 6:02. Don't know how the other rounds went but am happy that the last was as good as the first. My row times were a little slower as the rounds went on but the step ups and cleans got easier and quicker. I look forward to feeling 100% hopefully within the next couple days. I finished off with 100 sit ups and 10 pull ups, just for good measure:)
6 Rounds
500m row
25 box step ups
15 dumbbell split cleans
I must say this worked up the sweat I was looking for. My time was a slow 35:37. My first round was 6:16 and my last round was 6:02. Don't know how the other rounds went but am happy that the last was as good as the first. My row times were a little slower as the rounds went on but the step ups and cleans got easier and quicker. I look forward to feeling 100% hopefully within the next couple days. I finished off with 100 sit ups and 10 pull ups, just for good measure:)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Oct. 6/08
We had a visit from Sterling yesterday afternoon to tackle the .com and what a shit storm!!!!
5 Rounds
15 deadlifts 135/95
12 hanging power cleans
9 front squats
6 push jerk
Time: 19:10
This was both a physical and mental battle. My nervous system was still a little shook from Barb so by the time this battle was over my body was spent. I started at 95 for the first round and then dropped to 85 for the rest. I look forward to Rxing this baby next time. 1's of weighted pullups today - thank god:)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Barbara!!! October 6/08
Well.... !! I must say this was the worst of the Biotches for me. At the end of round one I seriously thought "there is no way in hell I'm going to be able to do that 4 more times. Round two felt a little better. At the end of round four I stood doubled over outside waiting for the relief of Mr. Pukie. Leanna told me 1 minute left mom. I staggered back to the chaulk bucket, then to the pull up bar. I grabbed a hold, made the stern - o.k. I'm the boss look, took a few good deep breaths, Leanna counted down from 10 and off I went. I was trying to stay under 5 minutes for the last round but the damned pushups were killing me. First set of 5, then threes, two's, it all became a blur. Keep going mom, come on Hol, they kept me motivated. At the end, again looking forward to the Mr., in fact, it has been about an hour and I'm still feeling a little delirious.
Hopefully, we won't see Barb for awhile:)
Clean and Jerk Oct. 2/08
With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
This is pretty self explanatory. Leanna and I chose to do squat cleans at 95 lbs.
I finished round five with about 8 seconds to spare. I didn't think to have a small rest and try to get a few in round 6. I think I will do power cleans next time because I know I can power clean 95 fairly easily. ( For the first while anyway). I did split jerk this time as my arms felt more tired than usual after Wednesday's arm assault.
5 Rounds squat cleans 95 lbs
John 7 rounds power cleans 135 lbs
Use as many sets each minute as needed.
This is pretty self explanatory. Leanna and I chose to do squat cleans at 95 lbs.
I finished round five with about 8 seconds to spare. I didn't think to have a small rest and try to get a few in round 6. I think I will do power cleans next time because I know I can power clean 95 fairly easily. ( For the first while anyway). I did split jerk this time as my arms felt more tired than usual after Wednesday's arm assault.
5 Rounds squat cleans 95 lbs
John 7 rounds power cleans 135 lbs
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Not really Nate!
Today's wod for the John and I
AMRAP in 20 minutes
6 pull ups
6 stationary dips
4 handstand pushups from 4 boxes piled high
8 dumb bell swings 45 lb for men, 35 lb for women
Even though this was really off whack it was hard as hell. I seriously wanted to quit pretty much from round 4. The pull ups seemed to be the break, if that tells you anything. Anyway, enough snivelling. John 14 rounds even, Hollie 13 rounds and the pullups. My dips became assisted after the first round with toes resting lightly on the box.
AMRAP in 20 minutes
6 pull ups
6 stationary dips
4 handstand pushups from 4 boxes piled high
8 dumb bell swings 45 lb for men, 35 lb for women
Even though this was really off whack it was hard as hell. I seriously wanted to quit pretty much from round 4. The pull ups seemed to be the break, if that tells you anything. Anyway, enough snivelling. John 14 rounds even, Hollie 13 rounds and the pullups. My dips became assisted after the first round with toes resting lightly on the box.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
John's Backsquats 5x5

For warm up John rowed 500 m for time 132.7, we aren't sure what his PR was, so we will go with this.
Back Squats 5x5
Warm up: 10 x pvc pipe, 5 x 65, 3 x 155
Lifts: 5 x 190, 5x 205, 5x 225, 5x 245, 3x 265
We tweaked John's form a little, keeping back and stomach tight, taking the big breath and holding and trying to keep the bar in alignment with the heels. He is looking very strong on this lift. It was shoulder's bearing the weight that was the giving him the grief. I can't wait for max lifts on this one.
John took Chad to soccer tonight so he wasn't able to tackle this workout until about 9:00 p.m. which sucks because he's up at 5:00 a.m. Earlier next time:)
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