Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Watch out Leanna

5 Rounds

5 power cleans 135/95
5 db bench press 35 x 2
5 pullups

5 Rounds for time

10 db split snatches - 20% bw
10 ring push ups
2 rope climbs, 1L sit rope climb

Power cleans felt awesome, went with 40's for bench press and it felt a little difficult at the end but in a good way. Arms aren't sore today so that's good. Pull ups are always difficult for me - it is my hands and timing:)

The Rounds for time:

10 db split snatches 20% of bw
10 ring push ups
2 rope climbs or 1 L sit rope climb

20% bw of split snatches would be 2 x 30 lbs for Chad and I but today we upped our weights to 35's instead and it felt harder but awesome. Ring push ups felt good got harder on the last two sets. I would like to work on doing the ring push ups without having my arms resting against the rope. Rope climbs were my favorite of the night.

Would like to mention that everybody on our side of the gym did 2 x 5 lbs heavier then the last time we did db bench press. Way to go everyone!!!

1 comment:

Surrey Sterling said...

Eh Hollie! I swear by the zone diet. If I wasn't on the zone I couldn't have beat Jason last thursday by a full minute or given Coach a good run for his money in past WOD's. Jason's conditioning is awesome but he doesn't follow the zone. If he did...Look the f$#K out! I'm pushing him to get out to our box for a WOD and he would but first he has to complete his four foundation classes. I'll shoot him an email today bugg'in him. I'm threating to be at Thursday nights class! See you soon RockStar!