Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Real Hello Everyone

I bet you have guessed that my lovely daughter is getting P O'd at me for my lack of posting, hence my/her last post on my blog. I knew I shouldn't have given her my password:) As to the calling her a "bitch" we do have a little insider. I have been caught jokingly/seriously calling her a "bitch" and even worse by older ladies in the Costco lineup. It was quite a scene and to much to describe here but let your imagination run with it:)

This morning Chad and I did the 7 a.m. class and it went like this:

Tabata rowing (20 seconds on 10 seconds off) 4X
3 burpies-3 pullups as many rounds as you can in 2 minutes.
Tabata rowing 4x
5 pushups-5 deck squats 30 lbs as many rounds as you can in 2 minutes
Tabata rowing
3 ring dips-3 pullups


500m row
40 single arm dumbell swings 35 lbs
500m row
25 du's
25 pushups
25 k2e

After the new bear complex and the works last night followed by MMA, I wasn't sure how all the rowing was going to go. I just kept moving and got it finished. I have done better and I've done worse. Of course the ring dips were the challenge but I am able to do two in a row now then I struggle. Last 500 m sucked!!! but good once it was over:)

1 comment:

Surrey Sterling said...

Billy Miner Pie? What the hell is that!I've gotta check that out, well maybe not:) Glad to see your fresh new post! See you in a couple of weeks enjoy the hot sun Hollie!