Monday, October 6, 2008

Oct. 6/08

We had a visit from Sterling yesterday afternoon to tackle the .com and what a shit storm!!!!
5 Rounds
15 deadlifts 135/95
12 hanging power cleans
9 front squats
6 push jerk
Time: 19:10
This was both a physical and mental battle. My nervous system was still a little shook from Barb so by the time this battle was over my body was spent. I started at 95 for the first round and then dropped to 85 for the rest. I look forward to Rxing this baby next time. 1's of weighted pullups today - thank god:)


Surrey Sterling said...

That was brutal even scaled. I couldn't imagine 135#! Yikes. My hamstrings are feeling it today! Thanks again for lett'in me crash your WOD!

Hollie said...

My arms are feeling it, also coming down with a cold - shit - lots of vits and mins to keep it at bay:) You guys can crash our wod anytime!!!