Thursday, October 9, 2008

This and That Oct. 9/08

I have had a couple extra days off due to not feeling like it. Today I still didn't feel like it but needed to sweat.
6 Rounds
500m row
25 box step ups
15 dumbbell split cleans
I must say this worked up the sweat I was looking for. My time was a slow 35:37. My first round was 6:16 and my last round was 6:02. Don't know how the other rounds went but am happy that the last was as good as the first. My row times were a little slower as the rounds went on but the step ups and cleans got easier and quicker. I look forward to feeling 100% hopefully within the next couple days. I finished off with 100 sit ups and 10 pull ups, just for good measure:)


Surrey Sterling said...

Yo H! get better women we've got WOD's to slay this weekend! Lets look sharp huh!

Unknown said...

Good job getting a sweat going.

Hope you're feelig better soon!

Hollie said...

Thanks, I'm on the mend:) Should be tip top by Saturday!!