4 x 800m for time:
We met Sterling down at the track this Saturday evening for a little winter wonderland fun. Who would have thought the track wouldn't be heated:) As always we managed to work up a sweat.
My times went like this: 4:59, 4:33, 4:42, 4:43. The first run I actually stopped on the track to fix my ipod but other than that I was pretty consistent (slow). I know I run 400 in approx. a minute and a half so you can imagine the difficult conditions comparing with that. I predict 800's for me should be under 4 minutes hoping for 3:30, that's what I will shoot for next time.
John's times: 3:36, 3:24, 3:31, 3:17
Sterlings: 3:43, 3:21, 3:46, 3:16
Look at those two conserving their energy for the last run, good competitive strategy boys. You guys will tear this up next time. Cheers!! Don't know why it is posting with all the gaps, it doesn't show like that before I publish, oh well.
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