Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pull ups and Thrusters Nov.5/08

AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 Pull ups
10 Thrusters 65/45
This sucked!!
John's: 13 rounds
Hollie: 13 rounds and 6 pullups


Surrey Sterling said...

Ya nice one! I know I was not feeling so great after that mess. Jason did 13 plus 10 pulls. Yesterdays champ!

Hollie said...

Anybody who got over ten or eleven on that baby deserves a hats off. My workout has lots of room for makeup time as I did a lot of unecessary recovery chaulking:) I'm impressed that you and Jason did so well given you did it individually. It is nice to have someone competing against you. Luckily for us you set the bar high, thanks:)