Saturday, December 13, 2008

10 K Dec 13/08

After watching Chad's soccer team win 1-0 against the first place team, I ran my first ever 10K. Time: 58:16. I am really happy to have finished under an hour. Hands and ears were very cold but didn't feel it until back inside:) Time at 5 K was 28:40.

John's time: 45:46, Time at 5 k was 23:15, Sweett!!!


Surrey Sterling said...

Nice work there HD/JD! I knew John would smoke through the 10k dam that dude can run eh. That is a very, very good ten K time! Look on the boards he would be in the top 5 percent with that run! Great job getting this shit done!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Hollie! That's a great time! I thought those short legs of yours couldn't go fast? hee hee! You are a rockstar! Miss you guys!

Hollie said...

Thanks guys, looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. It was definitely harder than the 5 K. Have you done the 15 K yet. Miss you too Michelle:)