Thursday, January 15, 2009

OHS Jan 14/08

Over head Squats

John did this
3 - 95
3 - 115
3 - 125
3m- 120
3 - 125

This is not a movement he is very fond of.
I took a rest day from CrossFit today. Have hit the hot yoga a few more times though. Trying to see if it gets any easier. Yesterday was the best so far:) It's not bad for a rest day.


Surrey Sterling said...

hey! hey! finally something I've got an edge on Highball at! Guy can't kick my ass at everything:)

Jill said...

hollie im so glad you`r sticking with the hot yoga, for now :)
i hope you get hooked and never look back!

Hollie said...

Hey Sterling John's back felt great all through the week. I asked, for you, how it was after the virtual shovelling one and he said it was easy compared to all the snow shovelling he did over the Christmas break:) How did you do on the OHS'? Has our "Little Bear" started her training yet? I am going to check out Fairfax right now to see what she might be doing.
Jill, I'm loving the hot yoga, Leanna and I went on Monday and it was hotter and harder but yesterday was better. I'm not sure if I am getting used to it or that it was the first time I have gone that I didn't do a CrossFit workout earlier in the day. Probably a little of both. I have one more week on my pass, I doubt I will do much more that a drop in here and there after that.

Surrey Sterling said...

Hey! No LB is not working out yet. Soon I hope. OHS's 175x3! Sweeeet! Todays wod looks nasty, nasty, nasty...

Surrey Sterling said...

Yip todays wod is a complete C%$#T!

Hollie said...

Sweet 175 for 3 you rock those things eh??? You do rock the rest too, you have just had the break, won't be long and you will be feeling like you're back to tip top shape:) We should do a wod this weekend, we have the ghd if you need somewhere to do todays, it does look nasty and then thow in the friggin thrusters and pullups just to make it a real shit show. I have had a couple days off so I'm ready for this:) Ate pizza last night though and feel like I have a pound of cheese at the bottom of the guts. Gotta to eat better!!! Cheers!!

Surrey Sterling said...

K let er rip and don't puke I just finished about an hour ago...this one will go south in a real fuck'in hurry. Just focus on getting the work done and don't come outta the gates hot or you'll never finish. Pace yourself, trust me...wod sounds good! OHS are my bread and butter:)

Hollie said...

You're lucky to have this one done. I'm nervous for this sucker it looks like so much. I have to run out for a bit but will be doing it around 3 or 4. Will let you know the scoop. Just got to get er done. Did you ever do the one with the GHD back extensions, GHD situps and double unders? I think it was three rounds of 50 of each of the three excercises. That was one that I thought I would honestly puke on. Leanna even put a bucket under where I was working:)