Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday Morning Madness

7 Rounds

Snatch deadlift+Hang power snatch+OHS+Behind the neck press
repeat this sequence 5x total.

Loading should be a weight that you can perform the lifts with good technique. Using a weight that is too heavy will just reinforce poor skill level. You can keep the load the same for all sets or you can increase as you go.

In between each round do 10 ab wheel rollouts.

This workout felt good. I thought it was going to be pretty easy, which is about what I felt like doing after last week, especially Saturday. As usual it was harder than it looked. I did a lighter weight so the snatches went up fast and I could press without using my legs.

I enjoyed watching Leanna this eve. and the rest of the crew. Everyone's technique is improving so much.


Chad de Boer said...

holy shit women thats 6 days straight of posting wooot!!! haa nice work yesterday thanks for leaving me behing and making me bike though :P

Hollie said...

You like those consecutive posts eh??

Anonymous said...

Hey Hollie, nice job on the great posts! Ok, looks you've been working hard. You will certainly kick butt at the cert. Wow, I am soooo jealous...sounds like a dream vacation. What an amazing experience for Chad and Leanna. Well and you and John too, but way cooler when you are only 13 and 16 to say you met the best of the best in Crossfit, oh and killed a WOD with them too! Anyway sucks getting back into CF after a super relaxing vacation. Oh the pain! Hope to catch up with you before you are off. :)