Monday, December 22, 2008

Cindy Dec. 21/08

Pictured our Grouse Grind day with Sherry, Jen, Leanna, Chad, our third son Colin, my brother Jay John and I. This was another adventure that is worth telling. I think we should write a CrossFit Adventure's book with the de Boer's:)

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
John: 21 Rounds + 5 Pullups
Holle: 18 Rounds even
John and I were happy with these times compared to our last Cindy adventure. The last time John did this wod he did 5 rounds in the first 3 minutes and 17 rounds in total. You can do the figuring on that one. A little bit of pacing makes a big difference eh??:)
My last and best go at Cindy before today was 15 rounds + 5 pullups + 10 pushups + 7 squats.
John and I went into this one just wanting to get it done and not expecting to get P.R's because we haven't been eating or drinking well at all particularly the last couple of days. So overall we are happy, I know we can beat this when we are properly zoned in. Can't wait!!!

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