Wednesday, December 17, 2008

L Pullups and Hip Extensions

Warmed up with 500 m row new P.R. at 150.6 Can't wait to get under 150!
Happy but never satisfied:)
rolled around on the ground for a few minutes then stretching excercises
AMRAP in 20 minutes
15 L-Pullups
15 Hip Extensions
Rounds: 6 plus 10 L-Pullups and 4 hip extensions
I finished off the round after the 20 minutes and then did 50 unanchored ab mat sit ups.

I modified this wod to 10 L-Pullups and 15 Hip Extensions because I suck at L-Pullups and don't particularly like them. Have to touch down between each one and do a kip to get legs to the L postition and start the upward motion. Am happy that I can do the pull from half way and chin always goes over the bar. Can't say the legs are completely straight but I'm trying:) Hip Extensions felt good had to give the back a rest usually once during sets after the first couple rounds. Back felt a little fatigued before starting due to two consecutive days of deadlifts. Love working the back and core. Sweett!!! Hoping to make an oly lifting class tomorrow:)

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