Monday, December 15, 2008

Deadlifts!!! Dec. 15/08

Today I did last Friday's wod. Didn't want to miss out on that torture:)
3 Rounds for time:
50 Box jumps at 24", a box + 45 lb plate
21 deadlifts at 135 lbs
30 pullups
Time: 27:26
For me the deadlifts were the break. Box jumps were the most tiring. Did it all rx'd wanted to do box step ups but turtled through doing jumps rite through. Agghhh!! Had a short string malfunction that took up some precious time, but no excuses!!:)

John did todays .com wod but he did 285 lbs by mistake!
5 Rounds for Time:
5 deadlifts at 285
10 burpees
Time: 8:28


Surrey Sterling said...

Hollie you rock star! way to go. that was such a hard wod hey! I died through that one. It was just horrible.

Highball way to give er' with the extra weight! now you'll have to do it RX'd and get your real time brother!

Hollie said...

I was doing my wod when he was setting up and we never noticed the weight was wrong till the wod was done:)

Yeah my wod was freakin hard, exhausting really. Like after the 10K a little nap was in order before bed:)

What will tomorrow bring!!!