Friday, April 3, 2009

Nancy April 3/09

Five rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95/65 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps

Hollie: 24:45

These OHS were nasty for me. After the first ten my form went for shit so I broke them into sets of fives for the rest of the wod. Yikes!!! Finished it rx'd but it wasn't pretty. I did a similar wod to this at CFL last week, it was 10 - 65lb OHS and a 200m sprint with a 3 minute break for 4 rounds. I am glad to be doing OH squats, I need the practise in them as with all the lifts. I would like to have a lifting day this weekend. We had fun with the bear last weekend. Supposed to be sunny and hot for a few days, thank god!!!


Surrey Sterling said...

Hey Hollie well done eh!! Those OHS are a real C$%T if your not used to them. Your core needs to be so solid and remember 90% of the population couldn't even finish that wod let alone to one OHS! Your time was very good look at the boards! Nice job, whats up with Highball is he gonna do this one? I'm jacked for tomorrows wod can't wait! When is that kid getting a f%^King licence:)

Surrey Sterling said...

Ok you are a turd! what the fuck are you thinking! OHS-period. don't make that mistake again!! When Bear complex comes up I'll remind you. you nuthead!! Peace H.

Surrey Sterling said...

What's going on over there! Hows the training! going for a run today?