Tuesday, August 4, 2009

OPT Style July 30/09

A1. Backsquats 30x0 rest 10 seconds 6, 65,85,90,95,100
A2. Lunges weighted rest 10 secs 12 (6per leg) 20,25,25,25,30
A3. Jumping squats 10x0 hands behind head 15,8/7,8/5/3,8/5/3,5/5/5
Rest 120 seconds
A4. weighted chin ups 3 rest 10 secs- used 10 lbs did in singles
A5. chest to bar pups 6 rest 10 secs - all straight through
A6. kipping 9 - 6/3,5/4,5/2/2, 5/1/1/1
Rest 120 seconds

Should have gone heavier on the backsquats, jumping squats sucked, weighted chin ups were tough, chest to bar pull ups are better than kipping pups for me.
Hollie 30:48

500m row at 2:01
400m jog for cool down.

Jay did 135 lbs for backsquat
30 lb for lunges
3 strict pups
5 kipping pups
7 push ups
otherwise as prescribed
24 something.

I was away and left this for him on the white board, he texted Saturday a.m. to say he could barely run home his quads were on fire:) Fun times!!!


Surrey Sterling said...

Hi Hollie! Sorry I didn't get back to your email,anyway good to see your still at it! awesome. I was curious how you did this workout. Did you squat then rest 10 seconds and squat again? Or did you squat rest 10 seconds, then do walking lunges and rest 10 seconds, then jumping airsquats, rest two minutes, and so on for the 6 rounds? Keep at it. Maybe we'll see you around sometime!

Hollie said...

No problem. Did the squats without stopping at the bottom or top but taking 3 seconds to get to bottom, once all six reps were done then rested 10 seconds, which was actually just long enough to get set up at the lunges:) Then the 12 lunges with 10 seconds when all 12 were done, when jumping squats (agghhh!!!) were done rested 120 seconds. Was that what we were supposed to do? You know me trying to figure this shit out!! Don't know what the hell I'm doing!!

Hollie said...

I only did 5 sets though, were we supposed to do 6?

Surrey Sterling said...

great Hollie, that is perfect. If you see A1, A2, A3 B C1 C2 do the A's first then the B and finish with the C's. You did it right. Try this double under bullshit. Now that will get you good at DU's.

By the end I was relaxed and pumping them out though my arms would fatigue near the end.

Hollie said...

Thanks for the tips, I will try the double unders. Doing a 5 k tomorrow morn early.