Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday's WOD

Today was rest day and boy did John and I take advantage of that. We sat on the deck for coffee this morning and never left. We sat in the sun, in the shade, fell asleep, read a book, ate a few times, it was awesome.

Around 8:00 p.m. a little guilt crept in so I decided to do a few squats, which turned into 100 squats, 100 sit ups and 100 lunges.

John watched and then his competitiveness wouldn't let him rest:)

It takes approximately 75 stretched out lunges to get from our deck to the back fence, I guess next time we'll have to do 150:)

When Leanna's friend went home she did the same workout but subbed two runs to the fence and back for the lunges.

John and I didn't time ourselves but we were given er pretty good and the heart was racing. We timed Leanna and she did it just over 7 minutes:) Nice job guys!!!

Chad's friend went home to late:)

Good Night.


Surrey Sterling said...

Eh Hollie! not sure If I'll catch you before you head off for the cert but I want to wish you all good luck and kick some serious ass and represent us well eh! I'm look'in at the cert in Pullayup Washington at Rainier Crossfit! Miss you guys and lets get together before this summer disappears!

jenn said...

I love the first paragraph! Sounds like my kind of day:)