Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Deadlifts 7x 1

warm up lifts then
John 225, 275, 295, 325, 345, 365, 390 P.R.

Hollie 135, 145, 165, 185, 195, 200, 205

John got a sweet P.R. on deadlift last night and it came up easy, I know he can do 400 or more.


Surrey Sterling said...

Hey John that is Great work brother! Congrat's! Way to keep at guys! its a tough gig following these .coms there is no doubt about. I'm in the market for a new camcorder since mine has been broken for almost a year. I've got a script done for a cool little Crossfit short about solo crossfitting following the main site. It'll be kool. Nice job Hollie on Half Cindy! especially after 5's! How is Mr. Clarke anyway! Let me guess, stronger then ever!

Surrey Sterling said...

I've seen my last Globo fran, I won't do that ever again. 1:30 off my pr just bullshit! I am livid about it!

John crush that bitch! sub four minutes! I broke 15 once and like a dickhead put the bar down on rep 6!! Butterfly kip reaked havoc and expended huge energy. All those were unbroken. What shit time.