Monday, July 20, 2009

Filthy Fifty # 5 July 19/09

We know what it is:)

Subbed two 15 lb dumb bell thrusters for wall ball as we don't have a good place to throw the wall ball to and didn't have time to screw around. John used two 25 lbers. Everything else rx'd

Hollie: 37:17
John: 34:00

My p.r. for this wod is 34:40 but I had a few two many wiggly pops Saturday eve so I'm happy to get er done. John's p.r. is also quite a bit better. He had a great pace going but when he finished the thrusters mister pukie was climbing up on him, he had to sit down and recover for about 5 minutes. To my surprise he finally got up and finished er off. Nice work John:)

1 comment:

Surrey Sterling said...

Nice work H. I feel like I left you guys hanging on the .coms alone. Keep at it! I'm always here on the sidelines cheer'in you guys on! OPT Wods are quite a bit longer and I noticed they hit me a little different with the rest breaks in between. Different type of training to some degree but still very difficult to complete and mentally demanding shit. Talk soon eh!