Saturday, August 8, 2009

A- Aug. 8/09

John and I did one of OPT and Sterling's wod's today
A1. Barbell Lunges @ 10x1, 6 per leg x 4 - 90 sec. rest
A2. Strict Ring Dips @ 2121 - amrap x 4 - 90 se. rest

B. Pistols 3011, 8-15/leg x 3 sets - 45 sec. between legs

C.1 Heavy Implement Russian Step Ups @ 1110 - 15 per leg 3 - 60 sec
C2. KTE 10x0, 20 x3; 60 sec.

Well, what can I say, it went like this:
BB Lunges - 95,95,95,95
SR Dips - 6,7,6,6 wasn't to keen on these - second hardest
Pistols - we suck at these and were humbled. 8 on a box assisted at first but he was struggling but getting them at the end. First hardest.
HIR Step up - 2 x 20lb dumb bells
KTE - 20, 20,15/5

BB Lunges - 65,60,60,65
Dip Station (not rings) - 2+1+1 + 2 assisted, 1+1+1+5 assist, 2+1+1, 1+6 assist
Pistols sucked, I could get down but needed help up, tried to use as little help as possible but sometimes that was a lot:) We need to do these more. Both John and I could do these not that long ago.
HIR Step Ups - 15 @ 2x10lb dumbells for 2 rounds, 2 x 12.5 lb plates for last round
KTE - 15+5, 12+6+2,8+5+4+3. Without the breaks I wasn't getting to the elbows. No swinging.
Not sure how the post wod fuel thing is working so we are having our usual protein shake:)
We are thinking about the double unders for tomorrow. Yikes!!!


Unknown said...

Good job...that WOD Sucked for me. Good luck on the DU's tomorrow! LOL, my calfs are just now starting to feel good enough to walk!

Hollie said...

Thanks Jeff, I saw how those du's went for you and I know John and I will be right with you on that:)

Unknown said...

Way to go guys! Great job!

Hollie said...

Thanks Mike, this was a great wod, wished I stayed with the 65lbs for all rounds of the lunges as they got easier. The pistols were tough but I don't think they are that far away. Another week of eating healthy and we should be able to tackle these better:) Has your story come out in the Journal yet?