Wednesday, November 19, 2008

7 - 1's Push Jerk Nov. 18 /08


I was at Chad's practise tonight so I took advantage of the good weather and the track. My wod looked like this:
1600 m run
10 minutes running the bleacher stairs
10 box jumps
1600 m run
50 GHD situps with feet hooked on the seat below and arching back over the top seat
25 pushups with feet on the top bench a bench between and hands on the lower bench
8 per side one legged squats
10 box jumps
1800 m run
Lot's of fun doing this wod and tons of energy, didn't want it to end but liked watching some of Chad's practise. He was scoring up a storm:)
I've had a few days of not feeling the wod's and just going through the motions but after yesterday I'm back in action. Need to stop worrying about the time and weights so much and concentrate on enjoying myself, that's when I do best:)


Surrey Sterling said...

All right I was beginning to wonder if my team was taking more rest days then required. Great work guys getting in those WODS! Through the winter we just need to get the wod in and like you said Hollie don't worry about the time. Just completing the WOD and doing it in the dark, cold, rain,heat, dust or whatever. PR's don't happen everytime, sometimes its just a good workout. I've discovered this with Helen. I've done it three times in three different places with very different times and the last two not even close to my PR. I'm not worried that my fitness has slipped. Like you said have fun doing them. Lets get together soon!

Hollie said...

No rest for the wicked!!! It's interesting doing the wods in different locations and seeing how it effects your time and energy level eh? I like it though. This three day period went by fast.