Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mr. Joshua Nov. 26/08

5 Rounds for Time:
400m run
30 GHD situps
15 deadlifts 250/175-185

John's time rx'd: 24:57
Hollie's time rx'd: 35:27

The last time we did this wod in Oct. John did it a minute and a half faster but subbed anchored situps and scaled to 225 lbs on the deadlifts. He also had to stop half way through round two tonight to help me take 10lb plates off and put 5 lb plates on as I miscalculated and had 185 on for those rounds. Aagghhh!! I remembered the workout being really hard especially the deadlifts but not that hard during the first two rounds. My time was 6 minutes slower than last time but again I will put the blame on the GHD situps and heavier deadlifts. I'm just glad to "get er done" as Mia would say:) The runs felt great:) Looking forward to 20 minutes of hell tomorrow:) Haglunds get your asses in gear!!!!


Surrey Sterling said...

K today I'll get back on the pony. 6 days off is plenty. just been plain lazy! Dam I wonder how John's back is today!! 250 75x! WOW!

Hollie said...

John's back isn't sore at all. I asked him soon as he woke up he said "feels great"!!! He is getting pretty freakin strong and his cardio is kickin ass too. He said he had lots left in the tank, he thought it was going to be harder so didn't run the fastest and he said he could have done the situps faster too. I think the deadies were done as fast as possible though:) Sweet ass wod, I love deadlifts!