Monday, January 12, 2009

Backsquats and Bench Press CFL

125 Backsquats when you have to re-rack then do 10 bench press and 30 unanchored sit ups
I re-vamped this to what I needed to work on. Numbers went like this:
25 backsquats @ 95lbs
10 bench press with 2 x 35lb dumbells
30 unanchored situps
15 @ 95
15 @ 95
15 @ 100
15 @ 100
15 @ 100
15 @ 105
10 @ 110
Ended doing 80 bench press and 240 sit ups.
I guess I should have done heavier on the backsquats but they didn't feel that easy and I wanted to make sure I went deep on the squats. Also should have done heavier on the bench press but didn't have 40's and 45 would have been too much. Didn' t eat enough this morning, should have had a shake before. Note for next time:)


Surrey Sterling said...

Hey U! Is Highball training? Will update my blog later with some numbers for him to crush!

Surrey Sterling said...

Ok John times are posted for your kick at the can! Lets get training brotherman!