Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thrusters, Power Cleans, Sumo D H June25/09

AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 Thrusters 95/65
7 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/65
Hollie: 10 rounds and 5 thrusters

First 4 Rounds did the thrusters and hang power cleans without putting the bar down for the rest did the thrusters and three hang power cleans quickly shook out the arms then did the last four hpcleans. Had to try and get that part down quickly cause the hi pulls were the biotch, down to threes at the end. Grip strength and forearms are spent, have to type with two fingers as no control over hands yet. Just finished. This is nasty.

Note: Dec/08 - 10 rounds even, August 11 rounds even


Surrey Sterling said...

Hollie you crushed that wod!! 10 and 11 rounds! That is just awesome. Not many 10's posted by girls on that wod! frick'in hard though eh!

Hollie said...

It seems to be one of my better wods, would have liked to have hit a P.R. for all that work though:) oh well!! Have a great holiday, sorry to have missed you