Monday, September 1, 2008

Many Wod's

O.k. you know me by now and I don't blog for awhile and then I blog a whole bunch and then not again. blah, blah, blah!!!:) So here goes.

Wednesday Aug. 27/08 at CrossFit Langley.

Coach Clarke's Crazy Wod

Part 1OHS with 45lb bar: First the minute do 1 rep the second minute do 2 reps and so on until you cannot complete the required reps in the minute. Maximum time is 20 minutes your total score is number of reps.Part 2Weighted pullups 3-3-3-3-3 Take your total weight for each round and add it up. Ist round you did 3 reps of 25lbs your sore is 75. If your chin does not go over the bar or you do not get full extension in the bottom postion then it does not count. If you only complete 2 reps then you are done for that round so choose your weight wisely. If you cannot do a weighted pullups but can do 1 pullup then your score for the 1st round may only equate to 3 reps total. Another words you did 3 single pullupsTake your score from part 1 and score from part 2 to give you a total to see who will be top male and top female.

I completed round 16.

Weighted pull ups are not my strength but they went like this:

3 x 5, 3 x 5, 3 x 10, 3 x 10, 2 x 15.

My points were 270.

I think I could have done heavier all along. I have a new system for holding the weights so I am excited to try weighted pull ups again.

I was very proud of Leanna for being the top female in this workout, I think she got 480 points.

I was also very proud of Chad who got well over 600 points. Chad is at a transition time in his CrossFit career and is making big changes.

Everybody did awesome at this wod.

Also, Larry and Chad got there first muscle ups today. I think Larry did 6 or 7.


Brandt Linkowski said...

So, what's your new system for holding the weights? Mine is unique. Have you ever seen that poster of the kitten hanging on the branch for dear life? Yeah, that's my system.

Hollie said...

That's about how I am too, Brandt.
No, I use the belt and now I squeeze the plates between my legs instead of letting them swing loose. Less painful if you;re kipping:)